Subprime mortgages in Arizona have been considered a
predatory lending practice by many law sub prime mortgages Arizona have
typically been used by investors as a money making strategy, not by people who
have been taken advantage of by banks.
makers. The facts show otherwise as
A subprime mortgage is a lending practice that can benefit
borrowers with low credit scores. Typically, sub prime mortgages are given to
borrowers with a less than stellar credit history or to borrowers with other
financial factors that make them too much a liability for a traditional loan. Based
on these factors, the borrowers would not qualify for a traditional mortgage so
banks give them a subprime loan with a higher than average interest rate.
Because subprime borrowers represent a higher risk for the lender, most lenders
charge a higher than prime interest rate.
The most common type of subprime mortgages that are offered
are adjustable rate mortgages or ARMs. An adjustable rate mortgage initially
offers a very low interest rate, usually below the prime rate offered by a
traditional loan. For an informed investor who intends to fix and flip or only
own a home for a short period of time, an adjustable rate mortgage can be a
great investment tool. However, an ARM is somewhat misleading to uninformed
borrowers as it initially charges a lower interest rate. After the ARM period
the rate adjusts to a significantly higher rate and higher monthly payment.
These types of mortgages were given out frequently by banks to un-creditworthy
buyers in 2005 and 2006. Once the loan reset to the higher interest rate, many
borrowers were unable to afford their new monthly payments and defaulted on
their home loans. ARM were largely responsible for the increase of subprime
mortgage foreclosure increases in the mid-2000s.
In response to the foreclosure crisis, may law makers want
to eliminate sub prime mortgages Arizona
entirely. They cite these types of loans as being predatory lending practices
as the interest rates can reach as high as 9% when a traditional loan hovers
around 4%. They also claim that these loans are disproportionately given to
people who make less than the median level of income and there is also fear
that subprime mortgages could hurt minorities or young people.
Facts about Subprime Lending in Arizona
As stated above, there is concern among law makers that sub prime mortgages Arizona are
designed by banks to gain the most money from groups who have the least. The
foreclosures of the mid-2000s helped fuel this fire. Politicians and loan
reform groups make a variety of claims about the unsavory nature of subprime
lending in Arizona, however, many of these claims have been proven inaccurate
when the numbers are examined.
The first claim by politicians looking to discredit subprime
lending in Arizona is that it would unfairly discriminate against low income
borrowers. This claim is categorically false. In fact, most subprime borrowers
in Arizona are above the median income line. Most subprime mortgages tend to be
second mortgages that are purchased as investment properties. Subprime
borrowers also tend to own fewer low value homes than traditional mortgage
A second claim against sub
prime mortgages Arizona is that minority borrower will be discriminated
against and only offered high interest loans. A demographic study indicates
that this is untrue. By analyzing zip codes and demographics, it was concluded
that subprime mortgages are not more common in zip codes with a Hispanic
population concentration.
Finally, another criticism is that subprime loans are
unfairly given out to borrowers who are young without a substantial credit
history. Subprime mortgages are not given out to mostly young borrowers. In
fact, the average age of a borrower for a sub prime mortgage was between 35 and
55 years of age. This indicates that subprime mortgages are not being used to
penalize borrowers with insufficient credit history due to age.
Subprime mortgages are not being used by banks to unfairly
discriminate against borrowers, rather than are a valuable tool for borrowers
with low credit scores or as a means to purchase an investment property.
Since subprime mortgages often charge higher interest rates,
they have unfortunately been lumped into the same category as title or payday
loans. Some politicians see them as predatory practices without having all the
facts. Sub prime mortgages Arizona are not a predatory lending practice by banks. Rather they are a tool that can
be used for borrowers that would otherwise not qualify for a mortgage. Whether
you are purchasing a second home as investment, or buying a home for your
family to live in, don’t let a low credit score determine your fate. Contact a
local mortgage broker to determine your options and see if a subprime loan is a
good option for you.
Level 4 Funding LLC
23335 N 18th Drive
Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027
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