Setabay Private Hard Money Lender

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Best Loans for Airbnbs

Rental properties like Airbnbs can bring in a great deal of extra money to your household. While you may be excited to jump into the rental game, there are a few things that are important to know before purchasing your first property.

Banks are scrutinizing how properties are being used when it comes to writing new mortgages or even refinancing existing mortgages. Rental properties have historically been riskier loans for banks. Most banks will not even extend a line of credit on a property that is being used as an Airbnb rental. Although, there are instances a traditional loan will be approved for an Airbnb, it is not common at this time and a borrower will have to jump over red tape and then wait, what could be months, for approval.

Arizona Hard Money Loans have become popular routes for borrowers to follow in being approved for a vacation home mortgage. Arizona Hard Money Loans are hard asset based loans. Hard assets are usually real estate. With these loans, the lender is not worried about you monthly income or credit. Rather, they are concerned about your assets. In case of default, the lender may foreclose on your property. These loans have different terms than traditional loans, as they are meant to be short-term loans for up to 5 years. However, a borrower may refinance with a traditional institution when the term limits expire if needed. There are many options when it comes to Arizona Hard Money Loans.

An Airbnb can bring a generous amount of annual income to your family. It is imperative that you do your homework before speaking with a lender.

The top 10 cities to own an Airbnb:

1. Asheville, NC

2. Portland, OR

3. St. Louis, MO

4. Nashville, TN

5. Phoenix, AZ

6. Denver, CO

7. Austin, TX

8. Charleston, SC

9. Dallas, TX

10. San Antonio, TX

Do you live in any of these cities? If so—get yourself with a lender and start generating more income!

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC
Dennis Dahlberg

Level 4 Funding LLC
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701 

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters and 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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The Real Deal on Airbnb Loans

Airbnb hosting is a tempting opportunity for homeowners—make money off the property you own as a vacation rental.

Hosting an Airbnb can be quite a nice chunk of added revenue stream. Currently, close to 3 million people have listed their homes as Airbnbs. Location will depend on the profit homeowners make with their rental. However, the average homeowner brings in close to $20,000 per year in additional income.

Don’t expect to make much profit if you live in a small middle of nowhere town. However, a beach city such as San Diego or a city like Phoenix, who hosts MLB Spring Ball, are the types of cities that can get rental property owners a lot of money.

Time is another factor in the equation of Airbnb. How much time will you have? Will you clean after your guests depart or will you hire a service? What if the dishwasher floods the kitchen—is it you running across town to fix it or do you have a handy man? Each time you hire someone that will affect your profit.

Location and time are important when factoring in the idea of owning an Airbnb. However, the big question is—how will you finance a vacation home that you can legally rent out?

Taking out a hard money loan for your rental property investment can really help you get the ball rolling. Hard money lenders base their loans in equity rather than on your financial history, allowing borrowers with even the worst of credit to get approved.

Check out some hard money lenders near you to learn more about the process and see if it’s right for you.

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC
Dennis Dahlberg

Level 4 Funding LLC
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701 

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters and 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright | Privacy Policy | *Terms & Conditions

Escape the Mandates of the Bank: Residential Hard Money Lenders in Arizona Are Here to Stay

Danger the banks may not approve everyone, and if they don’t approve you, what do you do in the aftermath? Residential hard money lenders are here to save the day by offering financing solutions that you may not have been aware of.

Sometimes, conventional residential lenders just won’t finance the needed amount or individuals just don’t meet their financing requirements. There are many reasons why people struggle obtaining loans. One of the first factors is creditworthiness. Conventional lenders are adamant upon looking at credit history, looking into credit delinquencies, crossing Ts and dotting Is, and making sure that potential borrowers can provide the documentation, paperwork, income, work history, etc. to qualify for the money. While many are able to qualify for these competitive rates and get some of the lowest interest in the country, others are not. Others find themselves in a sort of lending limbo:

First, those that have a hard time proving income: self-employment can be seen as a risk to banks who find traditional and predictable jobs to be a healthy indicator of loan repayment. Conventional lenders also need to see a satisfactory period of employment to even grant a loan. If a self-employed individual is unable to prove sufficient income, or duration of income through documentation, funding is often withheld.

Second case, those buying their first home. Individuals may possess a favorable credit score. However, the amount of credit history backing the score and the number and amount of debts previously paid factor greatly into the conventional lending equation. If the history is too short, then the possibility of obtaining conventional lending diminishes. Third, those looking to refinance an existing loan. Fourth, those in need of remodeling a personal home since sometimes it takes a little extra to set in motion a remodel of the interior or exterior of a home and a credit score can get in the way. And finally, those who need to consolidate debts

Dreams come True with Residential Hard Money Lenders in Arizona

For these cases, residential hard money lenders offer a fortunate alternative. Bad credit, foreign citizenship, bankruptcy, foreclosure, the works. These do not necessarily prevent an individual from receiving hard money loans form residential hard money lenders.

Get funded through Level 4 Funding, your hard money broker. Despite being rejected by the banks and credit unions, you can secure the financial backing you need by using residential hard money lenders.

In order to qualify, applicants must be able to put 20-30% cash down, or otherwise be able to leverage assets equating to a similar value. Verification of three months of income is a must, whether by bank statement or tax return. Loan-to-value rates can reach as high as 70-80% in certain cases, and interest rates can start as low as 9.5%. Talk to your hard money broker at Level 4 Funding today and find the Arizona residential hard money lenders that are right for you.

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC 
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701  

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright | Privacy Policy | *Terms & Conditions

5 Reasons to Use Arizona Hard Money

There are a plethora of reasons to use Arizona Hard Money Loans, the top advantages being speed and flexibility. With that in mind, Arizona hard money loans are a financing tool all investors should utilize.

Choosing a lender for your investment is an extremely important decision. Make sure your lender can accommodate your needs before signing on the dotted line. Listed below are some of the top reasons Arizona Hard Money Loans are becoming more and more popular for investors.

1. Flexibility— Conventional Bank loans are known for their rigid regulations. These regulations often prevent borrowers from acquiring approval. Hard money lenders have their own criteria for approval, but it is much more lenient than a traditional bank loan. For example, most banks won’t even entertain a borrower with a credit score below 650. Although your typical hard money lenders want to see borrowers in the mid 500’s, there is flexibility.

2. Faster Approval—Applying for a conventional bank loan requires lengthy applications and it can easily take weeks to hear if you are approved. With a hard money loan borrowers can receive a conditional approval within ten minutes. Waiting weeks to hear if you are approved means your property could be taken by another buyer. Once a borrower is approved the loan is typically funded within two weeks. Bank loans can take up to two months even with the process runs smoothly.

3. Simpler Underwriting— As rigid as the banks are with their regulations, their underwriting is just as strict. Conventional lenders have exact underwriting guidelines that are based on loan size, location and market trends. Because hard money lenders are private institutions, they are not restricted to any specific guidelines, meaning that they are allowed to approve any project they see can benefit them.

4. Make the borrower’s offer stronger— Using an Arizona hard money loan will strengthen your offer. If a property has more than one offer, and those buyers are using conventional loans, a seller will gravitate towards the buyer with a hard money loan. Why? Anyone involved in real estate knows about bank loans; it is not uncommon for a bank to pull the loan during escrow. Hard money lenders are known as being solid lenders, which helps make sellers more comfortable and secure in their deals.

5. No Prepayment Penalties— Conventional bank loans will penalize a borrower for paying the loan off early with excessive fees. They want to collect all their interest; paying a loan off early deducts that extra interest that the loan accrues. Hard money lenders don’t penalize a borrower for being successful because they want you to succeed. They will set up your loan with no prepayment penalties.

Building a relationship with borrowers is at the top of a hard money lender’s agenda.

Flexibility, faster approval, simpler underwriting, helping a borrower’s offer become stronger and no prepayment penalties are all great reasons to work with a hard money lender instead of a conventional bank, but the most significant reason is building a trusted relationship with an individual. You will know your lender and they will work as your partner. This personal relationship allows them to accommodate your needs much better than a bank.

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC
Dennis Dahlberg

Level 4 Funding LLC
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701 

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Conventional Banking Woes? Get Approved with Arizona Owner Occupied Hard Money

After the Dodd-Frank, owner occupied hard money loans may be more difficult to acquire, but that does not mean that they are not out there. Talk to your hard money broker today to see the types of owner occupied hard money loans available to the public.

After the last recession, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act emerged. It delineated the federal stipulations for subprime and residential lending among other things. Curiously enough, it even began to regulate hard money lending, an area of private investment which previously had less federal regulations.

After the Dodd-Frank, Arizona hard money lending for those seeking residential and owner-occupied loans became more difficult and less common of a service offered. Today, typically, most hard money lenders deal with commercial lending on properties that are to be sold within a short-term period. Paperwork declaring commercial intent is sometimes even signed in conformation of this. So, why all the fuss about owner occupied hard money lending? This is due to the various documentational, disclosure, and closing restrictions needed to complete such a loan. However, while many hard money lenders have shirked off the tediousness of this process with all of its federal loopholes, other hard money lenders have made it into a profitable niche.

Still, Arizona owner occupied hard money lending is a great option for those unable to acquire a conventional loan. Common scenarios of individuals petitioning owner occupied homes are: those in need of a home and also looking to sell their current home; those who have faced bankruptcy, foreclosure, or short sale; those looking to use a bridge loan in order to transition into a conventional loan later on; those dealing with a troublesome property; those buying a house for the first time; those looking to refinance; those looking to remodel a personal home; and those looking to consolidate debt.

Get Your Arizona Owner Occupied Hard Money Loan Today

There are a great many reasons why individuals may seek owner occupied had money. Whether to acquire a new home, fix an existing home, or manage debt, many have felt the comfort of being able to find a financing solution and enjoy the home that they deserve.

Talk to your hard money broker at Level 4 Funding and find the owner occupied hard money loan that is right for you.

For years, Level 4 Funding has brokered hard money lending solutions for those in need of owner occupied loans. Talk to your hard money advocate today, and find the terms, the rates, and the conditions that suit your real estate needs.

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC 
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701  

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright | Privacy Policy | *Terms & Conditions

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Take Advantage of the Builder’s Market with Spec Home Financing in Arizona

The demand for homes is high, but supply is low. Due to this, spec home construction and spec home financing are a growing trend intent upon meeting market needs.

The housing market has been on the rise for the past year. Real estate has grown. Housing prices have risen amid the bustle of sales and demand for property. However, the growth has created a shortage of existing properties available on the market, and with a shortage of available homes has arisen a demand for more homes to be constructed.

Real estate investors dealing with the construction of residential homes have recently found spec homes to be a profitable niche, some may even argue more profitable than flipping or renovating. The latter two dealing with primarily acquiring distressed properties in order to either sell or lease. While these types of investments are not without their perks, they can become difficult at times when distressed real estate is scare. Such is the state of the current market, where fewer homes, even distressed ones, are available and demand continues to rise. Where flippers and renovators need to scrounge for available properties in lessened conditions, builders of spec homes may purchase a lot and build thus circumventing the dilemma of a property shortage.

The beauty of spec homes, and one of the plausible reasons for the increased demand for them, is that they are meant to fit the needs of various, possible clients. Where some builders may build a home for an individual client, furnish the home with specific aesthetics, and cater to an individual client’s needs, spec home builders are concerned with creating attractive, up-to-date, and cost-effective homes attract a larger audience.

Spec Home Financing Sets Construction in Motion

Spec home builders generally need to acquire financing to further their projects. To start, a plot of land is needed to build upon. One problem with acquiring financing is that Conventional lenders such as banks typically frown upon lending solely on lots devoid of housing. Rarely are these loans acquired by builders. On the other hand, hard money lenders serve as one of the principle sources for spec home financing due to the fact that they are concerned with the value of the land in the current market and the amount of collateral given to secure a loan on a given property.

Spec home financing with hard money is quick and efficient.

Home Financing in Arizona with hard money is quick. When the right property for building upon is available, spec home investors can pull the trigger on its purchase and rely on quick funds to secure its acquisition. Though hard money loans for spec home financing may have a higher initial rate than their conventional counterparts, it can be bridged out of once property is built. Finally, hard money lending is person to person basis, even project to project basis, lenders are there to help borrowers every step the way. For more information on spec home financing in Arizona, talk to your hard money broker at Level 4 Funding.

Dennis Dahlber Broker Ri CEO Level 4 Funding LLC Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC 
Hard Money Lender
Hard Money Loans
Hard Money Loan
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444
Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
22601 N 19th Ave Suite 112 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave | Austin | Texas | 78701  

About the Author:  Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true. Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 43 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 5 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 40 years.

© 2016 Level 4 Funding LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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